To unzip a gzipped (or bzipped) file, I use the following:
hdfs dfs -cat /data/<data.gz> | gzip -d | hdfs dfs -put - /data/
Hello, good morning/afternoon/evening! I know it's over 4 years, but you don't happen to know how to do this with a zip file (no gzip).
I've been trying: hdfs dfs -text {the_zip_path} | unzip -p | hdfs dfs -put - {hdfs_path_to_folder}
I've got it complaining with -cat, I've got it creating a file called - in the folder in HDFS. I'm lost here! Thanks in advance! PS: The zip file it's not negotiable, it's a third-party provided file, and we asked them if we could get gzip, and they said no.
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