Hive Assign subquery to variable

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I have a query where I have a settings table(tbl_Settings) with active one record all the time. There is only 1 column "NoofRecords" containing value the noofrecords to be displayed in the application window.

I have a use case where I need to display the 500 employees of a company in the window which is customized in the Settings table in column NoofRecords Todisplay. 

set hivevar:NoofRecords=500;

select * from tbl_Employees order by empId limit $NoofRecords;

In the above variable, I set the variable value as 500  statically. 

Now my case is I want to have a variable as 

set hivevar:NoofRecords=(select NoofRecords from tbl_settings); 

But the above once is throwing an error. Could you correct my code

Jul 30, 2019 in Big Data Hadoop by Kishan

1 answer to this question.

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Refer to this example:

Step1: Check table test1 description:

hive> desc Table test1;
columnA date
Time taken: 0.452 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)

Step2: Table test2 description:

hive> desc Table test2;
columnB date
Time taken: 0.516 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)

Step3: Assigning subquery to variable:

hive> set hivevar:var1=(select columnB from Table test2 where columnB=’2016-09-19′);

Step4: Running main query with subquery:

hive> select * from Table test1 where columnA IN ${hivevar:var1};
answered Jul 30, 2019 by Tina

This solution wont work .

set hivevar:var1=(select columnB from Table test2 where columnB=’2016-09-19′);Will set the query itself not the value 


You are right. But this is the actual requirement as someone asked above. We are not executing the command. We are assigning the command to a variable. So that we can use the variable in our main command as a subcommand.

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