val df1="file:///home/edureka/Desktop/datsets/world_bank.json") // loads file, give appropriate path
This sql context is used in version below 2.0 of spark , but this also will work.
Using spark session fro 2.0 and above use below line
val df1 ="file:///home/edureka/Desktop/datsets/world_bank.json"
df1.printSchema() // provides the schema details

output table: shown below

Like this if you have - numeric or integer data - use data frame api ' s we can filter the data required as you have mentioned,
or Create a temporary view using the DataFrame
// Creates a temporary view using the DataFrame
Then use sql statements to query , if in case age field is in table - for example
val age = spark.sql("SELECT name FROM table1 WHERE age > 25 ")
age. show()
To save this dataframe as for example csv format use below statement.
age.write.format("csv").save("file path/..././namesAndAges.csv")
Hope this helps!
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