What are the implementations of IBM blockchain

+4 votes
What is IBM blockchain??

What is distributed ledger technology? What does a block contain?? Does it store data or the hash of data.?
Mar 30, 2018 in Blockchain by Johnathon
• 9,090 points

4 answers to this question.

+2 votes
Best answer
IBM is an open source community of various Blockchain projects. It is an umbrella strategy for developing enterprise based  solutions.

IBM's Hyperledger projects is being widely used for implementing blockchain solutions.
Data is stored in blocks and how the proof of work is achieved and the immutability of data are the new concepts of blockchain.

Blockchain is a decentralized database distributed across the network
Blockchain always only stores the hashes of the data.
answered Mar 30, 2018 by Christine
• 15,790 points

selected Aug 3, 2018 by Omkar
+1 vote

The distributed ledger database is spread across several nodes (devices) on a peer-to-peer network, where each replicates and saves an identical copy of the ledger and updates itself independently. The primary advantage is the lack of central authority.

answered Oct 11, 2018 by Vinod
+1 vote

What does a block contain??

Field Description Size
Magic no value always 0xD9B4BEF9 4 bytes
Blocksize number of bytes following up to end of block 4 bytes
Blockheader consists of 6 items 80 bytes
Transaction counter positive integer VI = VarInt 1 - 9 bytes
transactions the (non empty) list of transactions

answered Oct 11, 2018 by Akhil
0 votes


The IBM Blockchain Platform makes it fast and easy for network members to start developing and quickly move to a collaborative environment with the performance, privacy, and security for even the most demanding use cases and regulated industries.

The  five great ways to build your IBM blockchain skills:

  1. Take the next steps in your blockchain learning journey — follow along with the IBM Developer Blockchain learning path.
  2. Stay in the know with the Blockchain Newsletter from IBM Developer. Check out some recent issues and subscribe.
  3. Stop by the Blockchain content hub on IBM Developer. It’s your source for tools and tutorials, along with code and community support, for developing and deploying blockchain solutions for business.
  4. Watch the four-part IBM Blockchain Platform Console Video Series, which shows you in detail how to set up a business network on the IBM Blockchain Platform.
  5. Check out the many blockchain code patterns on IBM Developer, which provide roadmaps for solving complex problems, and include overviews, architecture diagrams, process flows, repo pointers, and additional reading.

answered Sep 16, 2020 by SRI

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