Kubernetes Objects and Workloads

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Could anyone Please explain what all different objects and workloads that kubernetes offer?
Jul 11, 2019 in Kubernetes by Sam
• 6,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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Kubernetes object model provides set of features to manage containers and interact with instances.

Here are the few listed different types of objects used to define workloads.

Pods: Pod is the basic unit in the Kubernetes Object Model. In Kubernetes containers are not attached to hosts directly, instead one or more containers are tightly coupled form an encapsulated object called pod.

Replication Controllers and Replication Sets: know as replication of pods. These are created from pod templates and can be horizontally scaled by controllers known as replication controllers and replication sets.

Deployments: Deployments under Kubernetes refers to one or multiple identical pods with no  

distinctive identities: It runs multiple copies/replicas of application and is intelligent to automatically replace any failed instances It ensure that one or more copies of instances of application are always available to serve user requests. Deployments are managed by Deployment controller.

Stateful sets: It is a controller in Kubernetes which provides a distinctive identity to its pods and responsible for managing the deployment and scaling of a set of Pods. This controller intend to be used with stateful applications(like database) and distributed systems.

Daemon Sets: It ensure that all the cluster nodes run a copy of a Pod.Whenever you add any nodes to Kubernetes cluster, DaemonSets ensures that Pods get automatically added to the new nodes as needed. Hence, it takes responsibility to manage multitude of replicated Pods.

Jobs & Cron Jobs: A Job under Kubernetes is responsible to create one or multiple pods and ensure that a specific number of those pods successfully terminate. Job automatically tracks the successful completions.

answered Jul 11, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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