Why should I use AWS CodePipeline

+1 vote
Why should I use AWS CodePipeline? There are many other options like Jenkins. Why use only CodePipeline?
Jul 1, 2019 in AWS by Narayani

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote
By automating your build, test, and release processes, AWS CodePipeline enables you to increase the speed and quality of your software updates by running all new changes through a consistent set of quality checks. I do not see a reason why not to use it.
answered Jul 1, 2019 by Alok
That does not explain why code pipeline is better than Jenkins.
Jenkins is getting old and if your infrastructure is on AWS might as well use AWS CodePipeline instead of integrating a third party tool. Jenkins is also related to CI/CDa pipelines but I honestly feel its difficult to re-build a particular stage in case of failures. I've used Jenkins and CodePipeline and I feel CodePipeline is much easier.
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+1 vote
Jenkins is getting old and if your infrastructure is on AWS might as well use AWS CodePipeline instead of integrating a third party tool. Jenkins is also related to CI/CDa pipelines but I honestly feel its difficult to re-build a particular stage in case of failures. I've used Jenkins and CodePipeline and I feel CodePipeline is much easier.
answered Jul 3, 2019 by Jack

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