Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a secure cloud services platform, offering compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality to help businesses scale and grow.
As per RightScale AWS is the leading cloud service provider -

AWS holds a global 64% of the cloud computing market share because of the following things:
AWS was started way early in the year 2006, it was the first to step into cloud computing
This basically means AWS as a cloud provider has more experience in the field of cloud computing, and hence becomes an obvious choice when people are looking for a reliable cloud provider.
- The provisioning capacity of AWS is 6 times i.e 6 TIMES than the server capacity of all of its competitor’s combined
- Flexible pricing was an option that AWS came up with i.e pay-as-you-go,
- Reliablilty: AWS is a subsidiary of Amazon Inc. which is also an e-commerce giant. The fact that it has hosted its own e-commerce application on AWS, gives people a “trust” feeling on their cloud product.
Average salary of AWS candidates is-

On the other hand, all of this was before Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud came into the picture.
Therefore, AWS has it all covered for its future, it’s competitors have build up their game. It will be really exciting to see these giants i.e Microsoft, Google and AWS fight the ultimate battle of cloud!
To know more about AWS have a look at this link
Enroll for the AWS Certification Course here.