How to switch the access from the main window to the popup window using Selenium

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I am not able to switch the WebDriver control to the popup window, only the button popup gets opened.

I've tried using the getWindowHandles() but it only returns the window handle of the main window. 

I also tried using this command switchTo.window("window name") but it didn't work.

Please help me with this issue

May 24, 2019 in Selenium by Surya
• 970 points

1 answer to this question.

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Generally, the Modular Windows are part of the same DOM, unlike javascript alerts. The only thing that sets them apart from the other parts of the page is that they are in a different frame.

Check if this Modular Window lies inside a frame or an iframe tag. If any parent is a frame or an iframe then you will have to change the context to that particular frame before you can perform any action on the Modular Window.

So, first, find the frame and switch the access to it, driver.switchTo().frame() and then perform the action on the element you want to. Once this action is done, which would most probably navigate you back to the main page. Use this driver.switchTo().defaultPage() to bring focus back to main page.

Hope this helps:)
answered May 28, 2019 by Vaishnavi
• 1,180 points

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