What all Hardware requirements are there for installing UiPath Orchestrator

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Apr 2, 2019 in RPA by Ajit

1 answer to this question.

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Hey @Ajit, hardware requirements for installing UiPath Orchestrator are as follows:

  • Web Application Server: In terms of HDD, consider an average of 4GB per day taken by the internal logs of IIS. Disc space maintenance should be considered, to delete old log files.
  • SQL Server: Disc space requirements highly depend on:
    • Whether work queues are used or not. If work queues are used, it depends on average number of transactions added daily/weekly and size of each transaction.
    • The retention period for successfully processed queue items.
    • Whether messages logged by the Robots are stored or not in the database. If they are stored, a filter can be applied to only store in the DB specific levels of messages.
    • Frequency of logging messages - the Robot developer uses the Log Message activity at will, whenever they consider a message is worth to be logged.
    • The retention period for old logged messages.
    • Logging level value set up in the Robot. For example, if logging level in the robot is set to Info, only messages with levels Info, Warn, Error and Critical are sent to Orchestrator; messages with levels Debug, Trace and Verbose are ignored, they will not reach Orchestrator.
  • Elasticsearch Server: Disc space requirements depend on:
    • The retention period (the customer should implement their own retention policy).
    • Frequency of logging messages - the Robot developer uses the Log Message activity at will, whenever they consider a message is worth to be logged.
    • Logging level value set up in the Robot. For example, if logging level in the Robot is set to Info, only messages with levels Info, Warn, “Error” and “Critical” are sent to Orchestrator; messages with levels “Debug”, “Trace” and “Verbose” are ignored, they will not reach Orchestrator.
  • TCP Ports: Following ports are required to be setup for installing and configuring orchestrator:
    • Communication between Robots and Orchestrator takes place on the default HTTPS port, 443. The communication port can be specified at installation time, but it can also be changed after installation.

    • Orchestrator communicates with Elasticsearch by default on port 9200. If Elasticsearch and Orchestrator are installed on different computers, port 9200 should be opened for inbound access on the computer where Elasticsearch is installed.

    • The Kibana web plugin listens by default on port 5601. This port needs to be opened if Kibana needs to be accessed from other computers in the network, not only from the server where Orchestrator is installed.

    • If the deployment model for High Availability (with at least 2 Orchestrator nodes) is chosen, then the port 6379 is by default used by Redis. The Redis port should be opened for inbound access on the machine where Redis is installed.

    • The SQL Server port is by default 1433 and it needs to be opened to give access to the web application.

answered Apr 2, 2019 by Abha
• 28,140 points

edited Apr 2, 2019 by Abha
What is the Redis cache requirement for Prod orchestrator considetring 100-200 robots.

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