as None is an object, you can test for it just like any other object.\
you can use it in a program like:
if (condition) is null :
In python no primitive data types. python treats as object and the theres reference so there is on any explicit variable declaration like Java or c (String var_name=”Hello”; in java )it happens implicitly once you assign the object to reference then it looks appear like variable which of that object type so if you create reference and assign None(usually in other languages Null) it means your not referring any thing but when you create a empty string (by using ‘’ ) . in that case there is reference and string also there but the thing is that string length is zero which means that string nothing have to execute consider my follow code
type( string_var1)
<class 'NoneType'>
>>> print( string_var1)
>>> string_var2=''
>>> type( string_var2)
<class 'str'>
>>> len( string_var2)
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