Azure Storage provides three types of storage accounts that support different features and pricing models to determine which one is best for your applications.
1. General-purpose v2 accounts (mostly recommended)
- General-purpose v2 storage accounts support the latest Azure Storage features and incorporate all of the functionality of general-purpose v1 and Blob storage accounts
- These accounts deliver the lowest per-gigabyte capacity prices for Azure Storage
2. General-purpose v1 accounts
- General-purpose v1 accounts provide access to all Azure Storage services, but may not have the latest features or the lowest per gigabyte pricing
- If your applications require the Azure classic deployment model, then these accounts are best suited for you
3. Blob storage accounts
- Blob storage accounts provide the same scalability and performance features that are available with general-purpose v2 storage accounts
- A Blob storage account is a specialized storage account for storing unstructured object data as block blobs and append blobs, but not page blobs
There are several differences in supported services, performance tiers and access tiers is below: