I hate my job but I need to keep working How do I get myself unstuck

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I hate my job but I need to keep working.  How do I get myself "unstuck"?
Feb 15, 2019 in Career Counselling by Kavya

3 answers to this question.

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Hey @Kavya, start with a checklist. What would you prefer to be doing instead of what you are doing in your current place of employment? Create a list of all the things you enjoy doing and your skill sets and go for it. If you don't like this job, quit.

answered Feb 15, 2019 by Bhavan
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The first thing you should understand is that you need to work but you don't need to do the same job. First, figure out what's making you hate your job. Is it the environment, the work, the salary or what? Then decide if that issue can be solved by doing something. If you think there's no way you can like your current job, then switch the job.
answered Mar 13, 2019 by Poonam
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I think it's your decision to continure ot quit the company.

Try to change your lifestyle or your way of doing work, then you might not feel unstuck.The more you think about the situation, you will get more stuck and waste yout time and also your performance.

If you have good resume and skills then you can go for interviews for other companies.
Think about different parameters such as salary, location, Shifts, work timings, etc.
If you get any other company with better apportunity, then you can resign immediately.
answered Jul 25, 2019 by anonymous

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