Mention the difference between Data Driven Testing and Retesting

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Retesting:  It is a process of checking bugs that are actioned by development team to verify that they are actually fixed.

Data Driven Testing (DDT):  In data driven testing process, application is tested with multiple test data. Application is tested with different set of values.

Feb 1, 2019 in Others by riya

reopened Nov 12, 2024 by Neelam 3,545 views

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Retesting is done to make sure that the tests cases which failed in last execution are passing after the defects against those failures are fixed. Regression testing is not carried out on specific defect fixes. It is planned as specific area or full regression testing.
Data Driven Testing is an Automation framework where we can alliteratively run multiple data set from an external source like a table for the same test script-instead of hard coding.

Multiple data sets and test environment can be controlled and run without hard coding and results obtained can be compared.

If data is hard coded it is highly tedious, monotonous and inefficient to run the same test script for different data set.

This becomes easier when data from different sources can be fed as input, this input gets verified and result outputs obtained can be compared.

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