Why shouldn t I tell or ask about salary to people

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This has been bugging me for some time now. Whenever I ask someone about their salary (even after telling them my salary first), they look at me as if I have asked to give away their property to me. I don't understand why it is wrong to discuss salary.
Jan 31, 2019 in Career Counselling by Karan

2 answers to this question.

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Well, this is something that is being followed for a long time. People don't like being asked about their salary. And there's no point in telling someone about your salary unless you are trying to show off or talking to a recruiter to get you a higher salary. This "not discussing salaries" thing started because, in most of the companies, people get a rise depending on their performance. Some might get and some might get more and people who got less hike might feel depreciated. This would make them start questioning about themselves or/and affect their interest in work.
answered Jan 31, 2019 by Yogi
0 votes


Your question is valid but there is a custom in most of the firms that people don't tell their salary. It may happen that people in your team is getting more salary then you because they are a bit of experience than you. At that position, you can't yell with your authority regarding this. But in some cases, if the person is close to you, they may tell their salary otherwise no one would. There is no point in knowing someone else's salary, it's not going to help you in any way. Better would be,  try to work hard and get the place to earn respect as well as the appraisal.

answered May 16, 2019 by Gitika
• 65,770 points

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