Is it rude to ask my boss for a raise

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I think I deserve more salary because I work more compared to my teammates and have got higher profits for the company compared to them. But I am not sure whether it is ok to ask a raise or is it rude?
Jan 31, 2019 in Career Counselling by Komal

4 answers to this question.

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It is common to have this feeling while you have been performing well. It is not rude to ask your boss for a raise but it is not wise too because this might affect your trust and bond with your boss and management. If you really think you deserve a better salary and it is not worth working for a salary you are getting, you might want to look at other job opportunities. If you want to work in the same company and ask for a raise, make sure you do it in a professional way. Don't be emotional or irrational.
answered Jan 31, 2019 by Karan
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Your question is like asking "Is it wrong to get what I deserve?". No, it is not. But before asking it, make a proper self-analysis of yourself and decide if you actually deserve a higher salary. If you are not one of the top performers and if you ask for the salary they get, you will be a joke. So, it is not rude to ask for a raise if you actually deserve.
answered Feb 25, 2019 by Andy
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Whether asking a raise is rude or not depends on the way you are asking it. If you are asking it in a professional and nice way, then it is not rude and your boss might even consider it. But if you ask it with arrogance, then not only you will not get a raise but it will affect your job too. Inform your boss that you want to talk to him personally. Then in the one-to-one meet, tell him why you think you deserve a higher salary and request him to consider it. This way, it wont be rude.
answered Feb 25, 2019 by Shantanu
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Haha, that's not rude, that's asking for what you deserve. You can just subtly pitch the idea and wait for the reaction. If you get a raise well and good if you don't then accept it without creating a scene and work harder towards it. 

answered Mar 11, 2019 by John

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