How autowiring works in Spring

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Say I have a service class called UserServiceImpl that implements UserService interface.

How can this be @Autowired?

And in my Controllers, how would I instantiate an instance of this service?

Would I just do the following?

UserService userService = new UserServiceImpl();
Jan 11, 2019 in Java by Sushmita
• 6,920 points

3 answers to this question.

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Depends on whether you went the annotations route or the bean XML definition route.

Say you had the beans defined in your applicationContext.xml:

<beans ...>

    <bean id="userService" class=""/>

    <bean id="fooController" class=""/>


The autowiring happens when the application starts up. So, in fooController, which for arguments sake wants to use the UserServiceImpl class, you'd annotate it as follows:

public class FooController {

    // You could also annotate the setUserService method instead of this
    private UserService userService;

    // rest of class goes here

When it sees @Autowired, Spring will look for a class that matches the property in the applicationContext, and inject it automatically. If you have more than 1 UserService bean, then you'll have to qualify which one it should use.

Hope this helps!

Enroll in Spring course online to learn more about it.


answered Jan 11, 2019 by Daisy
• 8,140 points

edited Mar 4, 2022 by Sarfaraz
0 votes

Depends on whether you went the annotations route or the bean XML definition route.

Say you had the beans defined in your applicationContext.xml:

<beans ...>

    <bean id="userService" class=""/>

    <bean id="fooController" class=""/>


The autowiring happens when the application starts up. So, in fooController, which for arguments sake wants to use the UserServiceImpl class, you'd annotate it as follows:

public class FooController {

    // You could also annotate the setUserService method instead of this
    private UserService userService;

    // rest of class goes here

When it sees @Autowired, Spring will look for a class that matches the property in the applicationContext, and inject it automatically. If you have more than 1 UserService bean, then you'll have to qualify which one it should use.

answered Jan 11, 2019 by Daisy
• 8,140 points
0 votes

First, and most important - all Spring beans are managed - they "live" inside a container, called "application context".

Second, each application has an entry point to that context. Web applications have a Servlet, JSFuses a el-resolver, etc. Also, there is a place where the application context is bootstrapped and all beans - autowired. In web applications this can be a startup listener.

Autowiring happens by placing an instance of one bean into the desired field in an instance of another bean. Both classes should be beans, i.e. they should be defined to live in the application context.

What is "living" in the application context? This means that the context instantiates the objects, not you. I.e. - you never make new UserServiceImpl() - the container finds each injection point and sets an instance there.

In your controllers, you just have the following:

@Controller // Defines that this class is a spring bean
public class SomeController {

    // Tells the application context to inject an instance of UserService here
    private UserService userService;

    public void login(@RequestParam("username") String username,
           @RequestParam("password") String password) {

        // The UserServiceImpl is already injected and you can use it
        userService.login(username, password);


A few notes:

  • In your applicationContext.xml you should enable the <context:component-scan> so that classes are scanned for the @Controller, @Service, etc. annotations.
  • The entry point for a Spring-MVC application is the DispatcherServlet, but it is hidden from you, and hence the direct interaction and bootstrapping of the application context happens behind the scene.
  • UserServiceImpl should also be defined as bean - either using <bean id=".." class=".."> or using the @Service annotation. Since it will be the only implementor of UserService, it will be injected.
  • Apart from the @Autowired annotation, Spring can use XML-configurable autowiring. In that case all fields that have a name or type that matches with an existing bean automatically get a bean injected. In fact, that was the initial idea of autowiring - to have fields injected with dependencies without any configuration. Other annotations like @Inject, @Resource can also be used.
answered Jan 11, 2019 by developer_1
• 3,350 points

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