Confused between two job profiles - Software Computer Engineer or Hardware Computer Engineer

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I'm super confused whether to go for software computer engineer or hardware computer engineer. What is the difference and which would be more suitable for me?
Jan 2, 2019 in Career Counselling by Ali
• 11,360 points

2 answers to this question.

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Hey @Ali, when we look at software computer engineers, they deal with the programming part rather than the computer/laptop specs or design and hardware computer engineers deal more with the hardware aspect like the computer parts and the chips etc. 

pros of being a software engineer:

High pay, in-door work, flexible shift timings, higher growth. 

Cons of being a software engineer:

should know many programming languages and work with many different platforms, should love coding, spending hours in front of a computer screen.

Now, when we talk about Hardware computer engineers, they deal more with the hardware part of the computers on which these programmes run. 

I have mentioned the pros and cons in a previous post, have a look at it -

The final decision is yours and the one best suited for you relies on your interests. One simple tip, if you like coding, go for the software engineer profile, if you like dealing with hardware, go for the hardware engineer profile. 

answered Jan 2, 2019 by Anshul
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Software Computer Engineer is a person who designs and builds software applications. They deal with programming the application, testing it, upgrade it etc. A Hardware Computer Engineer is a person who deals with the design, building, and testing hardware components for the system like processors, circuit boards, network etc.

Which is more suitable for you depends on your interest. If you are a person who is good at coding and interested then I suggest you choose to become a Software Engineer. If you are more interest in building with hardware, then choose hardware.

Both roles are building something. In software, you build software applications and in Hardware, you build the hardware for the system. That's the difference.
answered Mar 12, 2019 by Kishan

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