Solidity TypeError Data location must be memory for parameter in function but none was given

0 votes

My function:

function add_voter(address add_of_voter, string name_of_voter)public {

require (msg.sender == admin, "Action prohibited! Adding voter can only be done by Admin");

                voters[voter].voter_add = add_of_voter;

                voters[voter].voter_name = name_of_voter;


When I run the code, I get this error:

TypeError: Data location must be "memory" for parameter in function, but none was given. 

How to solve it?

Dec 12, 2018 in Blockchain by slayer
• 29,370 points

3 answers to this question.

0 votes

When you are using a string argument, you have to mention where you want store the data. So, try this:

function add_voter(address add_of_voter, string memory name_of_voter)public {

require (msg.sender == admin, "Action prohibited! Adding voter can only be done by Admin");         

                voters[voter].voter_add = add_of_voter;

                voters[voter].voter_name = name_of_voter;

answered Dec 12, 2018 by Omkar
• 69,220 points
0 votes

You can to explicitly mention that the string is a memory. Change the first line of your code to this:

function add_voter(address add_of_voter, string memory name_of_voter)public {
answered May 1, 2019 by Raj
0 votes
Could be a version problem. This worked for me on version 0.4.10. Try it.
answered May 1, 2019 by Yogi
Facing same problem with this version also.
Are you running it on Remix IDE or on your system?
Tried both. Doesn't work. I tried the solution in another answer and one of it worked.

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