What are the business analysts roles

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What are the roles and responsibilities of a business analyst?
Nov 21, 2018 in Career Counselling by Ali
• 11,360 points

recategorized Nov 21, 2018 by Ali 1,456 views

2 answers to this question.

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Basically business analysts convert user requirements into product specifications which is then used by the developers to develop the product. In this generation business analysts have become very important and have started making a huge difference to the company by reducing the development cost, getting a clear cut idea about the user requirements and they've resulted in greater efficiency in all the aspects of a product development.

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answered Nov 21, 2018 by Maverick
• 10,840 points
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Hey @All, Business Analysts analyze the enterprise and design organizations, ministries as well as non-profit organizations. They also analyze the business models as well as their association with technology. Business Analysts has following Roles:

1. Understand the Requirement of the Businesses: Working with the project stakeholders to understand their requirements and translate them into details, that developers can able to understand. And, to translate the emerging of question from the developers into details that stakeholders can able to understand.

2. Possibilities of the System: BA is in need to plot the scope and initial requirement of the project. The fundamental goal of the BA is to obtain the project concentrated early by transforming the initial high-level goal into something realistic.

3. Presentation & Public Speaking-:One of the main responsibility of the Business Analyst is to impress the stakeholder and other authority with their presentation, which would have a notable effect on the growth of the business.

4. Elaborate the Details of the Project: The most important responsibility of the Business Analyst is elaborating the details.  This is where he gets into evaluating the needs and guarantee the implementation team has the  entire  details, they require creating or implementing the process.

5. Support the Project Implementation: The Business Analysts involved in the implementation support through life cycle end. Business Analyst is generally not involved in the implementation directly, but they’re naturally brought in, if there are problems come up at the time of implementation, which cause some new additional needs to be addressed.

6. Functional Requirements and Non-Functional Requirements: Attaining successful end product is one of the roles as well as responsibilities of a Business Analyst. He should determine what the project should do and how the project should work. In the terms of Business Analysis, these are referred as functional and the non-functional requirements.

7. User Acceptance Testing: While the product in the development as well as deployment stages, Business Analysts actively function on developing user-testing scenarios via testing approaches. The best indication of the user acceptance is that the product will offer the expected result.

8. Technical Writing, Decision Making & Problem Solving: They are needed to develop informative, coherent and usable documents for professional success. When it comes to decision making, there are several formalized techniques are available, including decision matrix, which can support to make business appropriate, quality as well as defendable decisions, which can support to offer the best service for the internal clients and enhance the performance.

9. Maintenance of System and Operations: Business Analysts are also involved in providing maintenance reports, system validation reports, deactivation plans as well as other plans and reports of other documents. The Business Analysts will also involve in evaluating the system to find when the replacement or deactivation is needed.

10. Team Building: It is an inevitable responsibility of a Business Analysts. They are required to lead ad hoc or formalized teams. They are in need to coordinate, structure, and lead these team members to make their role more successfully.

answered Apr 2, 2019 by Rajan

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