To create a custom waterfall chart with subtotal categories in Power BI, perform the following steps:
1. Restructure Data into Custom Subtotals
For the Waterfall breakdown, Power BI requires a Category column.
To achieve this, you will need to modify your dataset through either Power Query or DAX and create rows to suit your custom subtotals.
Sample Table Format:
Step | Value | Type
Sales | 5000 | Increase
Costs | -2000 | Decrease
Profit | 3000 | Subtotal
Taxes | -500 | Decrease
Net Profit | 2500 | Subtotal
2. Use DAX to Create Custom Subtotals
- If subtotals are calculated dynamically, create a DAX measure:
CustomSubtotal =
SELECTEDVALUE(WaterfallTable[Step]) IN {"Profit", "Net Profit"},
SUMX(FILTER(WaterfallTable, WaterfallTable[Step] <> "Profit" && WaterfallTable[Step] <> "Net Profit"), WaterfallTable[Value]),
3. Setup the Waterfall Chart in Power BI
Set Category as the x-axis and Value as the y-axis.
Ensure that "Profit" and "Net Profit" are both classified as Total in the settings of the Waterfall Chart.