How can I create a rolling calendar table that updates automatically based on the latest data in my fact table

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How can I create a rolling calendar table that updates automatically based on the latest data in my fact table?
I need a calendar table that automatically extends based on the maximum date in my fact table. What is the best method in Power Query or DAX to ensure that the calendar dynamically updates without requiring manual adjustments?

5 hours ago in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 19,330 points

1 answer to this question.

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You can use either Power Query or DAX to create an automatically rolling calendar table depending on the latest date in your fact table. Here's how you can accomplish it:

1. Using Power Query (M Code)

In this method, the calendar table is extended dynamically depending on the maximum date available in your fact table.

    Source = FactTable,  
    MinDate = Date.From(List.Min(Source[DateColumn])),  
    MaxDate = Date.From(List.Max(Source[DateColumn])),  
    DateRange = List.Dates(MinDate, Number.From(MaxDate - MinDate) + 1, #duration(1,0,0,0)),  
    CalendarTable = Table.FromList(DateRange, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), {"Date"}),  
    FinalTable = Table.AddColumn(CalendarTable, "Year", each Date.Year([Date]), Int64.Type)  

 How It Works:

  • It extracts the minimum and maximum data from your fact table.
  • It generates a continuous list of dates.
  • Convert the list into a structured table.
  • Adds a Year column (you can add more like Month, Quarter, etc.)
  • This way, a calendar that updates automatically with the new data load is ensured.

2. DAX Approach (Calculated Table)

If you prefer DAX solutions, use this formula for creating a dynamic calendar table:

CalendarTable =  
VAR MinDate = MIN(FactTable[DateColumn])  
VAR MaxDate = MAX(FactTable[DateColumn])  
    CALENDAR(MinDate, MaxDate),  
    "Year", YEAR([Date]),  
    "Month", FORMAT([Date], "MMM"),  
    "Quarter", "Q" & FORMAT([Date], "Q")  

How Is It Functions:

MIN(FactTable[DateColumn]) for the beginning date and MAX(FactTable[DateColumn]) for the end date to get the date range for that fact table. Create a full continuous date table using CALENDAR(). Create extra columns dynamically for Year, Month, and Quarter.

answered 4 hours ago by anonymous
• 19,330 points

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