To allow for occasional changes to column data types in Power Query while keeping the transformations stable, dynamic type detection, conditional transformation, and flexible conversion offer three strategies for handling such situations. Consider the following:
1. Detect Data Types and Assign Them Dynamically
Instead of hard-coding column data types, allow the type to be assigned dynamically by calling Table.TransformColumnTypes with Value.Type:
Source = YourDataSource,
ColumnTypes = List.Transform(Table.ColumnNames(Source), each {_, Type.Any}),
DynamicTypedTable = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source, ColumnTypes)
This prevents Power Query from failing when unexpected data types appear, treating all columns as flexible types.
2. Use Conditional Type Handling Based on Column Content
If column types vary but follow a pattern, dynamically determine the type based on content analysis:
Source = YourDataSource,
DetectType = (col) =>
if List.MatchesAll(Table.Column(Source, col), each Value.Is(_, type number))
then type number
else type text,
ColumnTypes = List.Transform(Table.ColumnNames(Source), each {_, DetectType(_)}),
TransformedTable = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source, ColumnTypes)
This ensures that each column is assigned the correct type based on its actual values.
3. Handle Mixed Data Types Gracefully
If some columns contain mixed data types (e.g., numbers and text), use try…otherwise to clean data without errors:
Source = YourDataSource,
ConvertColumn = (col) => Table.AddColumn(Source, col & "_Fixed", each try Number.From(Record.Field(_, col)) otherwise Text.From(Record.Field(_, col))),
ConvertedTable = List.Accumulate(Table.ColumnNames(Source), Source, (acc, col) => ConvertColumn(col))
This creates a new column that converts numbers where possible but keeps text values intact.