How can I filter a dataset in Power BI to show records where a date column is less than the slicer value

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How can I filter a dataset in Power BI to show records where a date column is less than the slicer value?

I’m interested in learning how to filter a dataset in Power BI to display records where a date column is less than the value selected in a slicer. I’ve heard this can be done using DAX or other features, but I’m unsure of the specific steps. Can you provide practical guidance on achieving this?
Jan 3 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 19,000 points

1 answer to this question.

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Filtering a dataset in Power BI to show only the records where any date field value is lesser than the selected value from the slicer could be done using DAX or through the visual-level filters. The steps for both methods are given below:

1. Using DAX (Creating a Measure)

You can create a DAX measure that filters the data automatically based on the date selected in the slicer. Here's how you can do it:


Create a slicer:

Create a slicer using that date column so that the user can select a date and filter data using it.

Create a DAX Measure:

You need a measure that shows whether the date in your dataset is less than the slicer-selected date.

This is one example of a DAX measure:

Filtered Sales = 

VAR SelectedDate = MAX('Date'[Date]) -- Get the selected date from the slicer 



SUM('Sales'[Amount]), -- Replace with your column or measure


[Date] < SelectedDate )

This measure will add up the total sales where the date is earlier than the selected value on the slicer. You can change the aggregation to suit your needs, e.g., with a COUNT, SUM, or AVERAGE.

Add the Measure to Your Visual:

Once you create it, you can add it to any of your visuals, such as a table or chart, and it'll filter the records to show only those with a date less than that of the slicer.

2. Using Visual-Level Filter

If you want to filter this data set directly by a specific visual rather than using a measure, you can do the following with said filter pane.

Here Are the Steps:

Create a Slicer: Create a date slicer for the column date.

Apply a Visual-Level Filter:

Select the visual in which you wish to apply the filter, e.g., a table or a chart.

In the pane Visualizations, seek the section Filters.

Drag the field date in the Visual Level Filters area to apply the restriction.

The filter criteria must meet these: show records where date < selected slicer's value.

Test the Interaction:

If the user changes the slicer, his view will change to the overlay of the visual the user has selected, showing only records for which the date is less than that of the slicer value.

3. Using Power Query (if you prefer to filter out data in the data model)

You can also filter that data in Power Query before it loads into the data model. To do that, follow these steps:

Open Power Query: Go to Transform Data to open Power Query Editor.

Filter the Date Column:

Select the date column; after that, use the filter to select "is before" and have an option for a dynamic date value. While this method is not directly linked to a slicer, you can set up a static date range for Power Query filtering.

answered Jan 3 by pooja
• 16,780 points

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