To calculate the distinct count of active customers for the last three fully completed months in Power BI using DAX, follow this approach:
DAX Measure for Last 3 Completed Months' Active Customers
Active Customers (Last 3 Months) =
VAR MaxDate = MAX( 'Date'[Date] )
VAR LastCompletedMonth = EOMONTH( MaxDate, -1 ) -- Last full month end
VAR ThreeMonthsAgo = EOMONTH( LastCompletedMonth, -2 ) -- 3 months back
DISTINCTCOUNT( 'Sales'[CustomerID] ),
'Date'[Date] > ThreeMonthsAgo && 'Date'[Date] <= LastCompletedMonth
Discovering the Last Completed Month :
EOMONTH(MAX(Date),-1)-It gives the last day of the previous completed month.
Finding the Beginning of the 3-Month Window:
EOMONTH(LastCompletedMonth, -2)-Calculates the last day of the month that was three months ago.
Filtering the Data to the Right Range:
It uses CALCULATE() to count distinct CustomerIDs, but only within the last three completed months.