Calculating Year-over-Year (YoY) growth only for those months for which there are entries in both years, you would use DAX like this:
DAX Measure for YoY Growth with Matching Months
YoY Growth % =
VAR CurrentYearSales = SUM( 'Sales'[TotalSales] )
VAR PreviousYearSales =
SUM( 'Sales'[TotalSales] ),
VAR MonthsWithData =
VALUES( 'Date'[MonthYear] ),
VAR AdjustedCurrentSales =
CALCULATE( CurrentYearSales, 'Date'[MonthYear] IN MonthsWithData )
VAR AdjustedPreviousSales =
CALCULATE( PreviousYearSales, 'Date'[MonthYear] IN MonthsWithData )
IF( AdjustedPreviousSales > 0,
DIVIDE( AdjustedCurrentSales - AdjustedPreviousSales, AdjustedPreviousSales ),
The rationale for the process is:
Compute the Sales for both years.
Current Year Sales = Total sales for the current period.
Previous Year Sales = Sales for the same period in the last year's calculations using the function SAME-PERIOD-LAST-YEAR( ).
Find Common Months with Data
The function INTERSECT( ) extracts only those months that exist in both the current and previous years.
Filter Sales for Matching Months
Adjusted Current Sales and Adjusted Previous Sales ensure that only months with data in both years are considered.
Calculate YoY growth
The DIVIDE( ) function is for safe division, which means it can return BLANK if a valid comparison cannot be performed.