So, while writing a Python script to generate the visuals in Power BI, there is a problem of misalignment due to image resolution, aspect ratio, margins, or settings of the size of the figure. Following is a discussion of why this occurs and a solution for each:
Common Causes and Their Fixes
1. Incompatible Figure Size and DPI Settings
Problem: While Power BI uses a specific canvas size for a Python visual (usually measured in pixels), the figures are normally produced by the Python library imagery-used matplot lib or seaborne without specific measurement settings.
You explicitly set figure size and dpi to the expected rendering of power bi.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4), dpi=100) # Adjust size as needed
Modify the `figsize` parameters to align with the Power BI visual container.
2. Excessive Padding and Margins
The Problem: Matplotlib automatically inserts extra padding around figures, making the visuals look disarranged.
The Solution: Get rid of these white spaces using
plt.tight_layout() # Reduces unnecessary padding
3. Mismatch of Aspect Ratio
Problem: Power BI can resize Python visuals according to the size of the container, and hence, it can break the original aspect ratio.
Solution: For that, keep a fixed aspect ratio by modifying the limit:
ax.set_aspect('auto') # Ensures flexible resizing
4. Lettering & Labels Overlap
Problem: Labels, legends, and tick marks may be drawn outside actual limits.
A possible remedy is to use the default option bbox_inches='tight':
plt.savefig('plot.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=100)
5. Limitations Regarding Power BI Rendering
Challenge: Power BI refreshes Python visuals and saves them as images, which could get distorted when stretching.
Explore using different container sizes in Power BI to examine the attractive size.
Make use of plt.gca().set_position([0, 0, 1, 1]) so the plot fills the entire space allocated.