How can I optimize Power BI visuals using bookmarks and buttons for interactive storytelling

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How can I optimize Power BI visuals using bookmarks and buttons for interactive storytelling?

I'm building an interactive Power BI report and want to use bookmarks and buttons to guide users through a story. This involves setting up navigation, dynamic visuals, and toggling views. Could you provide tips on how to use bookmarks and buttons effectively to create an engaging, interactive experience in Power BI?
Nov 15, 2024 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 19,330 points

2 answers to this question.

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One could follow the described approach step by step to optimize Power BI visuals using bookmarks and buttons to present a simplified and interactive storytelling experience.

Create Bookmarks for Key Views: Bookmarks are used to capture the current view of the report, including any filters, slicers, visuals, and pages in the report. First, set different views of the data, which are pivots in your story. For example, one bookmark may focus on depicting the major performance indicators while another may focus on the performance indicators analysis. To create a bookmark, arrange your visuals and filters, and then go to the 'View' tab, click on 'Bookmarks Pane', and finally, 'Add.'

Add Buttons for Navigation: Buttons let you enhance interactivity by allowing the user to navigate the story as it progresses. You can use buttons to go to other bookmarks or to perform different operations. In Power BI, click on the 'Insert' Tab and select 'Buttons'. Pick one style (a blank, a left arrow, or a right arrow) and insert it in your report. After that, go to the button's action settings and change it to "Bookmark." Connect this action with the bookmark about which this button should inform.

Make Use of Interactive Visuals: The interactive part should also include visualizations that will change every time the user presses a button or selects a filter. For example, a user presses a button, and the data that was displayed in one type of visualization (for example, a bar chart) changes to data shown previously in the same kind of visualization but in a different format (for example, a line graph). Use bookmarks to dictate which visuals will be displayed and how they will respond to each other. By stacking different visuals and applying different bookmarks, the user gets to interact with the data differently, and the various phases of the story become available to them.

Implementing View and Layer Controls: Employ buttons and bookmarks for switch functions on different views. For instance, a summarized version may be at the beginning, and the user may be allowed to 'zoom in' on particular information. This requires that many bookmarks are created showing different layers of the information, say detailed analysis or backup information. After which, these buttons would turn out to be on and off switches of these layers, enabling smooth navigation.

Increase Audience Participation: To make a storytelling experience more exciting, utilize bookmarks to facilitate animations or transitions from one state to the other. For instance, users may perform steps of certain processes or undergo a guided analysis, in which case figures will change corresponding to the selected bookmark. “Selected” and “Deselected” states in buttons may be used to change certain elements as the user navigates the report, which shows how dynamic some features can be.

That makes your Power BI report resemble a story with the use of bookmarks and buttons because the reader can interact with and explore the information in a user-friendly and active way.

answered Nov 15, 2024 by pooja
• 16,840 points
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Create Bookmarks: Mark specific visual states or views in the report by creating bookmarks.

Add Buttons: Use buttons for navigation and assign action to "Bookmark" to toggle views.

Dynamic visuals: bookmarks and visibility toggle - dynamic content to show/hide visuals.

Story Flow: Organize bookmarks in a logical way to flow users through the story.

answered Jan 23 by anonymous
• 16,840 points

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