In Linux, hidden files and directories are those whose names begin with a dot (.). By default, commands like ls, find, and rsync include these hidden files in their operations. However, there are scenarios where you might want to exclude hidden files from your command outputs or operations. Below are methods to achieve this for each command, along with examples and use cases.
1. Preventing Hidden Files from Being Listed
ls -l | grep -v '^\.'
- ls -l: Lists files in long format.
- `grep -v '^.': Filters out entries that start with a dot.
Use Case: When you want to view all non-hidden files in a directory.
find . -name '[!.]*'
- .: Starts the search from the current directory.
- -name '[!.]*': Matches files that do not start with a dot.
Use Case: When searching for files but wanting to exclude hidden ones.
2. Ensuring Scripts or Backup Tools Exclude Hidden Files
rsync -av --exclude='.*' source/ destination/
- -av: Archive mode and verbose output.
- --exclude='.*': Excludes files and directories starting with a dot.
Use Case: When backing up a directory but omitting hidden files and directories.
for file in *; do
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
# Process $file
- *: Matches all non-hidden files.
- [ -f "$file" ]: Checks if it's a regular file.
Use Case: Processing all visible files in a directory while ignoring hidden ones.
3. Selectively Including/Excluding Specific Dotfiles
rsync -av --include='.bashrc' --exclude='.*' source/ destination/
- --include='.bashrc': Includes the .bashrc file.
- --exclude='.*': Excludes all other hidden files.
Use Case: Backing up a directory while including only specific configuration files.
find . -not -name '.git' -not -path '*/\.*'
- -not -name '.git': Excludes the .git directory.
- -not -path '*/\.*': Excludes all hidden files and directories.
Use Case: Searching for files while excluding version control directories and other hidden files.
Additional Considerations:
echo * .*
Note: Be cautious with .* as it matches . (current directory) and .. (parent directory) as well.
shopt -s dotglob
- dotglob: When set, glob patterns match hidden files.
Use Case: When you want wildcard patterns to include hidden files in script operations.
By utilizing these commands and options, you can effectively manage the inclusion or exclusion of hidden files in your Linux workflows.