How to automate a vulnerability assessment lifecycle in Python

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I’m looking to build an automated vulnerability assessment lifecycle using Python to continuously scan, report, and remediate security flaws in my network and applications. I’m specifically interested in:

  • Tools or libraries (e.g., nmap, OpenVAS API, Metasploit RPC) that can be integrated.
  • Automating vulnerability scanning, parsing reports, and prioritizing risks.
  • Implementing a workflow that includes detection, alerting, and remediation suggestions.
    Any guidance on structuring this lifecycle, along with example scripts, would be highly valuable.
Feb 19 in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by Anupam
• 13,900 points

1 answer to this question.

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Automating a vulnerability assessment lifecycle using Python involves integrating various tools to continuously scan, report, and remediate security flaws in your network and applications. Here's a structured approach to achieve this:

1. Integrating Vulnerability Assessment Tools

Python offers libraries and tools to interface with popular vulnerability scanners:

  • Nmap: Utilize the python-nmap library to perform network discovery and port scanning.


    pip install python-nmap

    Usage Example:

    import nmap
    # Initialize the Nmap PortScanner
    nm = nmap.PortScanner()
    # Scan a target IP for open ports
    nm.scan('', '22-443')
    # Iterate over all hosts
    for host in nm.all_hosts():
        print(f'Host : {host} ({nm[host].hostname()})')
        print(f'State : {nm[host].state()}')
        for proto in nm[host].all_protocols():
            print(f'Protocol : {proto}')
            ports = nm[host][proto].keys()
            for port in ports:
                print(f'Port : {port}\tState : {nm[host][proto][port]["state"]}')
  • OpenVAS: Interact with OpenVAS using the python-gvm library, which allows control over the Greenbone Vulnerability Manager.


    pip install python-gvm

    Usage Example:

    from gvm.connections import TLSConnection
    from gvm.protocols.gmp import Gmp
    from gvm.transforms import EtreeTransform
    # Connect to OpenVAS
    connection = TLSConnection(hostname='localhost')
    transform = EtreeTransform()
    with Gmp(connection, transform=transform) as gmp:
        gmp.authenticate('admin', 'password')
        # Create a new target
        target_id = gmp.create_target(
            name='Target Name',
        # Create a new task
        task_id = gmp.create_task(
            name='Task Name',
            config_id='daba56c8-73ec-11df-a475-002264764cea',  # Full and fast config
        # Start the task
  • Metasploit: Automate exploitation and post-exploitation tasks using the msfrpc client.


    pip install msfrpc

    Usage Example:

    from metasploit.msfrpc import MsfRpcClient
    # Connect to Metasploit
    client = MsfRpcClient('password', server='', ssl=True)
    # Use an exploit
    exploit = client.modules.use('exploit', 'unix/ftp/vsftpd_234_backdoor')
    exploit['RHOSTS'] = ''
    # Set a payload
    payload = client.modules.use('payload', 'cmd/unix/interact')

2. Automating the Vulnerability Assessment Workflow

Develop a Python script to orchestrate the scanning, reporting, and remediation process:

  • Scanning: Schedule regular scans using the integrated tools.

  • Parsing Reports: Analyze scan outputs to identify vulnerabilities.

  • Prioritizing Risks: Assess the severity and potential impact of identified vulnerabilities.

  • Alerting: Notify relevant stakeholders about critical issues.

  • Remediation Suggestions: Provide actionable steps to address each vulnerability.

Example Workflow:

import nmap
from gvm.connections import TLSConnection
from gvm.protocols.gmp import Gmp
from gvm.transforms import EtreeTransform
from metasploit.msfrpc import MsfRpcClient

def perform_nmap_scan(target):
    nm = nmap.PortScanner()
    nm.scan(target, '1-65535')
    return nm

def perform_openvas_scan(target):
    connection = TLSConnection(hostname='localhost')
    transform = EtreeTransform()
    with Gmp(connection, transform=transform) as gmp:
        gmp.authenticate('admin', 'password')
        target_id = gmp.create_target(name='Target', hosts=[target]).get('id')
        task_id = gmp.create_task(
            name='Scan Task',
        return task_id

def analyze_reports(nmap_report, openvas_task_id):
    # Parse and analyze reports

def prioritize_vulnerabilities(vulnerabilities):
    # Prioritize based on severity

def send_alerts(critical_vulnerabilities):
    # Send alerts to stakeholders

def suggest_remediations(vulnerabilities):
    # Provide remediation steps

def main():
    target = ''
    nmap_report = perform_nmap_scan(target)
    openvas_task_id = perform_openvas_scan(target)
    vulnerabilities = analyze_reports(nmap_report, openvas_task_id)
    critical_vulnerabilities = prioritize_vulnerabilities(vulnerabilities)

if __name__ == '__main__':

3. Integrating into CI/CD Pipelines

Incorporate the vulnerability assessment script into your CI/CD pipeline to ensure continuous security checks:

  • Pre-Deployment Scans: Run the script before deploying new code to production.

  • Automated Testing: Integrate with testing frameworks to halt deployments on critical vulnerabilities.

  • Reporting: Generate and store reports for compliance and auditing purposes.

CI/CD Integration Example:

In a Jenkins pipeline, you can add a stage to execute the Python script:

answered Feb 19 by CaLLmeDaDDY
• 24,380 points

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