Skills to become a data mining expert

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What are the skills needed to become an expert in data mining?
Nov 6, 2018 in Career Counselling by Ali
• 11,360 points

3 answers to this question.

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Best answer
Data mining expert will work on different types of Database so you need to know the Database in and out. You need to have good knowledge and hands-on experience of SQL, NoSQL, SAS, and Hadoop. Should be good at programming, concentrate more on querying languages, Java, Php, Perl. Next, should have a good experience and comfortable in using Linux Operating Systems. These are the skills for a Data Miner.
answered Mar 14, 2019 by Kumar

selected Mar 14, 2019 by Omkar
–1 vote
Four important steps needed to become a data mining expert:

1. Earn your undergraduate degree

2. Gain employment as data scientist

3. Pursue advanced degree in data science

4. get hired as a data mining specialist and learn and grow through experience
answered Nov 6, 2018 by Maverick
• 10,840 points
0 votes

Data Mining experts must have the following skills :

  •  should have the concept of Scripting and Statistical Language .
  •  Must be good at Google analytic and Adobe.
  • Should have good skills in Data Visualization and reporting.
  • Good knowledge of MS Excel is needed.
  • Must be well aware with SQL, SAS, Hadoop.
  • Excellent in programming language like Java, Python,Must have good experience in operating system like windows and Linux.

All this skills are must for any Data Mining Expert and the best way to acquire all this skills is through your hardwork. You can learn Data Mining Online or u can even Join some Classroom Courses in order to learn all this skills. the knowledge and skills which you acquire through Data Mining can be applied in the Concept of Data Science as both are based on the similar basic.

answered Mar 29, 2019 by MrBoot
• 1,230 points

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