How secure is the hashing salting stretching process as described in this diagram

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When storing passwords securely, we often use a combination of hashing, salting, and key stretching to make them harder for attackers to crack. However, the security of this process depends on various factors, such as the strength of the hash function, the uniqueness of the salt, and the number of iterations in the key stretching process.Diagram-Edureka

Looking at this diagram, I want to understand if the method used here is secure against modern attacks like brute force and rainbow table attacks. Are there any weaknesses in this particular approach? Should any additional measures be taken to improve security?

Feb 6 in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by Anupam
• 12,620 points

1 answer to this question.

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When storing passwords securely, employing a combination of hashing, salting, and key stretching is essential to protect against modern attacks such as brute force and rainbow table attacks. Let's break down each component and assess their effectiveness:

Hashing: This is a one-way cryptographic function that converts a password into a fixed-size string of characters, which appears random. However, hashing alone is insufficient because identical passwords will produce identical hashes, making them vulnerable to attacks.

Salting: To mitigate the risk of identical hashes for identical passwords, a unique, random value known as a "salt" is added to each password before hashing. This ensures that even if two users have the same password, their hashes will differ due to the unique salts. Salting effectively defends against rainbow table attacks, as attackers would need to generate separate tables for each unique salt, making the attack computationally impractical.

Key Stretching: This technique involves applying the hashing function multiple times to increase the computational effort required to generate a hash. By doing so, it significantly slows down brute force attacks, as each guess becomes more resource-intensive. Algorithms like PBKDF2, bcrypt, and Argon2 are commonly used for key stretching. For instance, bcrypt allows the configuration of a "cost" factor that determines the number of iterations, enabling the hashing process to be as slow as necessary to thwart attacks.

Assessing the Security of the Process

  • Strength of the Hash Function: It's crucial to use a hashing algorithm designed for password storage, such as Argon2id, bcrypt, or PBKDF2. These algorithms are intentionally resource-intensive to deter attacks.

  • Uniqueness of the Salt: Each password should have a unique, randomly generated salt. This uniqueness ensures that even identical passwords result in different hashes, preventing attackers from leveraging precomputed tables.

  • Number of Iterations in Key Stretching: The number of iterations (or the "cost" factor) should be set high enough to make hash computations resource-intensive for attackers but still acceptable for legitimate authentication processes. Regularly updating this parameter as hardware capabilities evolve is advisable.

Potential Weaknesses and Recommendations

  • Inadequate Salting: Using a system-wide or predictable salt can undermine security. Ensure that salts are unique and randomly generated for each password.

  • Insufficient Iterations: Setting the iteration count too low can make the hashing process faster for attackers. It's essential to balance security and performance by configuring a sufficiently high iteration count.

  • Outdated Hashing Algorithms: Avoid using deprecated or fast hashing algorithms like MD5 or SHA-1, as they are vulnerable to attacks. Opt for modern, slow hashing algorithms designed for password security.

Additional Measures to Enhance Security

  • Peppering: In addition to salting, incorporating a secret value known as a "pepper" can add an extra layer of security. Unlike salts, peppers are kept secret and not stored alongside the hashes. This approach provides defense in depth, making it more challenging for attackers to crack passwords even if they gain access to the hashed passwords and salts.

  • Regular Updates: Periodically review and update your password hashing policies, including increasing the iteration count and transitioning to more secure algorithms as they become available.

  • User Education: Encourage users to create strong, unique passwords and consider implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) to add an additional layer of security.

By carefully implementing hashing, salting, and key stretching techniques, and staying vigilant with security practices, you can significantly enhance the security of stored passwords against modern attack vectors.

answered Feb 10 by CaLLmeDaDDY
• 22,940 points

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