How do you track progress when team members follow different project methodologies

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How can we create a unified tracking approach that respects individual methods while ensuring overall project visibility and cohesion?
Jan 24 in PMP by Hoor
• 4,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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There has to be a balance between flexibility and structure to achieve a unified tracking approach that respects individual methods but ensures visibility and cohesion. Here's how it can be done:

1. Define Core Tracking Standards
Set basic metrics and milestones to be tracked by all teams.
Ensure that the standards meet project goals and will give an easily understandable view of overall progress.
2. Use a Centralized Tracking Tool
Use a project management tool that will allow teams to customize for themselves but aggregate to a view point (for example, Jira, Asana, or Trello).
The tool should be integrated with other systems that teams are likely already using.
3. Accommodate Different Teams
Make it so teams can do things their way when it comes to managing day-to-day tasks but update the high-level milestones and deliverables in a centralized system.
Respect their workflows, whether they use Agile, Waterfall, or a hybrid approach.
4. Schedule Regular Updates
Establish regular check-ins or progress updates where teams can share their status.
Use those meetings to spot any disconnects and realign efforts.
5. Assign a Dedicated Coordinator
Appoint someone to oversee the tracking system, ensure updates are accurate, and provide support to teams for integration or troubleshooting.
6. Encourage Collaboration and Communication
Encourage teams to share insights and challenges through collaborative channels (e.g. Slack or MS Teams).
Use the same forums to ensure everyone remains informed and engaged with the overall project goals.

answered Jan 28 by Zain

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