To handle non-converging loss curves in generative adversarial models (GANs), you can follow the following steps:
- Adjust Learning Rates: Reduce learning rates for both generator and discriminator to avoid instability.
- Use Label Smoothing: Apply label smoothing to the discriminator's real labels to prevent overfitting.
- Use Adaptive Optimizers: Switch to optimizers like RMSprop or Adam with different hyperparameters.
- Use Gradient Clipping: Clip gradients to prevent exploding gradients.
- Regularization: Apply techniques like Dropout or Weight Regularization to the discriminator to prevent overfitting.
Here is the code snippet you can refer to:
In the above code, we are using the following key points:
- Learning Rate Adjustment: Use smaller learning rates to prevent drastic updates.
- Label Smoothing: Smooth real labels to avoid overfitting the discriminator and ensure smoother loss curves.
- Gradient Clipping: Clip gradients if necessary to prevent exploding gradients.
Hence, these strategies can help stabilize the training process and guide the GAN towards convergence.