Yes, GIAC (Global Information Assurance Certification) exams are open book, allowing candidates to bring hardcopy reference materials such as textbooks, notes, and study guides into the testing area. However, electronic devices and digital materials are strictly prohibited during the exam.
Impact on Difficulty and Preparation
While the open-book format permits access to reference materials, it does not necessarily make the exams easier. GIAC exams are designed to assess practical, real-world application of knowledge, requiring a deep understanding of the subject matter. Effective preparation involves:
Comprehensive Study: Thoroughly understanding the material is essential, as reliance solely on reference materials during the exam is insufficient.
Efficient Indexing: Creating a well-organized index of your reference materials can significantly enhance your ability to quickly locate information during the exam.
Comparison with CISSP
The CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) exam is closed book, prohibiting any reference materials during the test. This format emphasizes memorization and a broad understanding of information security concepts.
In contrast, GIAC certifications focus on specialized areas within cybersecurity, emphasizing practical skills and real-world application. The open-book format reflects this focus, allowing candidates to reference detailed materials as they would in actual professional scenarios.