Making Custom Visuals in Power BI with TypeScript and D3.js:
Setting Up Environment: Node.js, TypeScript, and Power BI Custom Visuals SDK (npm install -g powerbi-visuals-tools).
Generate Custom Visual: Use pbiviz new myCustomVisual to create a project, install D3.js (npm install d3), and import it into the TypeScript file.
Code: In the visual.ts file, code with D3.js to create visualizations of an example, like a bar chart.
import * as d3 from 'd3';
Testing Visual: Test locally in Power BI Desktop by importing the .pbiviz file using pbiviz start.
Publish package visuals using the pbiviz package and share or publish them with the Power BI marketplace.
This allows you to create more personalized and interactive custom visuals by using Power BI's data-taking features and D3.js's visualization powers.