In Angular, you can generate a service and include it in the provider's array in one step using the --providedIn option while creating the service with Angular CLI. This option automatically configures the service to be available in the specified module or in the root injector.
To generate a service with the provider included in the root injector (which is the most common scenario), you can run the following command:
ng generate service your-service-name --providedIn=root
If you want to generate a service named AuthService, you would run:
ng generate service auth --providedIn=root
This would create the auth.service.ts file and add the @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) decorator automatically, meaning Angular will handle the service's provider configuration.
If you want to specify a different scope for the provider (like a specific module), you can replace root with the name of the module, like so:
ng generate service auth --providedIn=app
This would register the service in the AppModule.