Unable to deploy angular 2 app on bluemix with angular CLI

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So I'm trying to deploy an angular2 app on IBM Bluemix. The pipeline is built but the I'm stuck in the build phase. I'm trying it using angular-cli to prepare a folder for deployment (ng build --prod), but it wont get any further than this:

The Broccoli Plugin: [BroccoliMergeTrees] failed with:
Error: Merge error: file index.html exists in /home/pipeline/7c14494a-d2b2-417f-be02-1007a2c8cfe7/tmp/broccoli_merge_trees-input_base_path-2MsSutn8.tmp/0 and /home/pipeline/7c14494a-d2b2-417f-be02-1007a2c8cfe7/tmp/broccoli_merge_trees-input_base_path-2MsSutn8.tmp/1

It should've worked with the latest version of node, but none of nodes have a version higher than 4.2.2.

Apr 9, 2018 in DevOps on Cloud by DragonLord999
• 8,450 points

1 answer to this question.

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We had the same issue and in our case it required version 4.4. Get nvm during the build and the try and install nodes. It worked for us. Here's how we build our pipelione

# nvm is not compatible with this option
npm config delete prefix
# get nvm
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.31.2/install.sh | bash
# load nvm    
. ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
# install Node 4.4
nvm install 4.4

# proceed with our specific code...
npm install

To know more about Angular, It's recommended to join Angular online training today.

answered Apr 9, 2018 by ajs3033
• 7,300 points

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