Provide code to use knowledge distillation for model compression in a Generative model without losing performance

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Can you provide code to use knowledge distillation for model compression in a Generative model without losing performance?
5 days ago in Generative AI by Ashutosh
• 7,050 points

1 answer to this question.

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To perform knowledge distillation for compressing a generative model, you train a smaller student model to mimic the outputs (e.g., logits, features) of a larger teacher model while using a combination of task-specific and distillation losses. Here is the code you can refer to: 

In the above code, we are using the following:

  • Teacher-Student Architecture:

    • The teacher is a large, pre-trained model.
    • The student is a smaller, lightweight model.
  • Loss Functions:

    • Task loss ensures the student achieves the original task's goal.
    • Distillation loss aligns the student with the teacher's learned knowledge.
  • Temperature Scaling:

    • A higher temperature softens the logits for better gradient flow.
  • Performance Retention:

    • By combining task-specific loss with distillation loss, the student retains performance close to the teacher's.
By referring to above you can use knowledge distillation for model compression in a Generative model without losing performance
answered 5 days ago by amisha

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