How to get the returned value of a JavaScript function executed on an HTML page

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How to get the returned value of a JavaScript function executed on an HTML page?

I’m working with a JavaScript function on an HTML page and need to get the value returned by that function. I’m not sure how to access the return value and use it within my HTML or update elements on the page. Could someone explain how I can capture and display the returned value of a JavaScript function executed on an HTML page? Code examples would be really helpful!

5 days ago in Web Development by Nidhi
• 3,820 points

1 answer to this question.

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To get the returned value of a JavaScript function executed on an HTML page, here is an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>





    <button onclick="displayResult()">Result</button>

    <p id="res"></p>


        // JavaScript function that returns a value

        function addNumbers(a, b) {

            return a + b;


        // Function to display the result on the page

        function displayResult() {

            let result = addNumbers(5, 3);  // Call the function and store the result

            document.getElementById("res").innerText = "Result is: " + result;  // Display the result in the HTML





answered 5 days ago by Navya

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