While "Filled Map" and "ArcGIS Maps for Power BI" seem to be part of Power BI's location-based visualizations, they are significantly different in terms of features, functionality, and use cases.
Filled Map
"Filled Map" visualizes the choropleth map depicting those geographic regions (such as countries, states, or postal codes) filled with particular colors representing the aggregated data values within them, being simple enough to be intuitive and not requiring a lot of configuration. It is Bing Maps geocoding and, therefore, would be fairly straightforward; examples include sales by region or population density highlighting; however, with few customization options, it only offers a little for advanced spatial analysis.
ArcGIS Maps for Power BI
As an Esri product, ArcGIS Maps for Power BI brings powerful geospatial capabilities to perform an exhaustive spatial analysis. Creating and driving an examination, such as custom base maps, drive-time analysis, clustering, and heatmaps, adds greater results to geographic information. Furthermore, ArcGIS synchronizes with ArcGIS Online to engage other external datasets, layering in various data sources and facilitating complex geospatial analysis. This visual will be more advanced and better for use cases requiring deeper geographic insights or intricate visualizations.
Distinctive Features
Suited for Simplicity Use: Filled Maps are simpler and good at basic visualization while requiring more setup and giving much bigger analytical depth in ArcGIS.
Features: Filled Maps are limited in that they show different-colored regions; ArcGIS, however, will support clustering and customized layers and still has the rich geospatial tool.
Data Requirements: Filled Maps only need ordinary geographic fields, such as country or postal code, while ArcGIS accepts more complicated spatial data, such as shapefiles.
Customizability: A higher amount of control of the map elements, base map, and layers than that offered by Filled Map.
In the end, choose "Filled Map" for quick and uncomplicated mapping requirements, whereas "ArcGIS Maps for Power BI" was chosen for superior geospatial analysis.