How do you integrate Power BI with external RESTful APIs for enhanced dynamic reporting such as real-time stock prices or social media sentiment analysis

+1 vote
How do you integrate Power BI with external RESTful APIs for enhanced dynamic reporting, such as real-time stock prices or social media sentiment analysis?

I’m exploring ways to create dynamic and real-time Power BI reports by pulling data from external RESTful APIs, such as for stock prices or sentiment analysis from social media. What are the steps and best practices for integrating external APIs with Power BI, and how can I ensure reliable and efficient data updates?
Nov 26, 2024 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 19,000 points

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote

Integrating Power BI with outside RESTful APIs to provide dynamic and real-time reporting, giving examples like stock prices or sentiment analysis using social media, involves the following key steps:

Connect to the API:

Use the Web connector in Power BI to connect to the external RESTful API. Enter the API URL in the connector, plus any additional query parameters required, such as authentication tokens, date ranges, or filters.


If API requires authentication, like OAuth, configure the authentication method for securely accessing data from Power BI.

Power BI has its default built-in options for API key authentication, basic authentication, or OAuth tokens.

Transform Data:

After connection, you will have to clean and transform data using Power Query. Important filtering, reshaping, or merging of different API responses will take place here before using the transformed data in your report.

Transform it in all necessary ways in which you want to report data.

Put Rate Limits into Use:

Be careful to the API rate limits especially in the case of services like real-time stock prices or sentiment analysis, because they have restrictions for the frequency of requests.

Using incremental refresh and scheduling so that the time when the data is pulled is regulated, so it does not raise up to the level of the rate limit.

Scheduled Refresh:

Scheduled refreshes using Power BI for the data reports will keep up the freshness of the data pulled from the API.

For real-time data, set a very short refresh interval, unlike the other data where it would, but do so with caution considering the limitations from the API in order to avoid degradation in performance.

Optimization Performance.

Retrieve the least amount of data possible and filter it and aggregate it at the API level instead of pulling all the data into Power BI.

Query the API directly from Power BI, if possible through DirectQuery, so that the report always has real-time data instead of needing a refresh.

Error Handling.

Put error handling in Power Query for cases when the API goes down or when the data returned is not valid.

Set up data alerts in Power BI to inform users when a refresh fails with the data or if the API cannot connect.

By following these steps, one can set up external API integration into Power BI to enable high levels of dynamic and real-time reporting without compromising on efficient data management and update processes.

answered Nov 26, 2024 by pooja
• 16,780 points
This guide effectively outlines key considerations for integrating RESTful APIs with Power BI, ensuring real-time reporting while managing performance and API limitations.
0 votes
Use Power Query (M) or custom Python scripts in Power BI to fetch API data, schedule refreshes via Power BI Service, and optimize performance with incremental refresh or dataflows.
answered Feb 28 by anonymous
• 2,780 points

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