What techniques can you use to optimize Power BI s performance when dealing with a large number of visuals on a single report page

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What techniques can you use to optimize Power BI’s performance when dealing with a large number of visuals on a single report page?

I’m designing a Power BI report with many visuals on a single page to provide comprehensive insights to stakeholders. However, this is causing the report to load and update slowly. What are some proven techniques to optimize performance and maintain usability when working with a large number of visuals on a single page?
Nov 26, 2024 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 19,000 points
You can further enhance performance by merging similar visuals, using bookmarks for conditional visibility, and limiting high-cardinality slicers. Would you like a step-by-step guide on implementing these techniques?

2 answers to this question.

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To maximize Power BI performance when handling several visuals in a single report page, you can do well if you use these techniques:

Reduce the number of visuals: Limit the visuals on the page to include only the most important. Each one uses up, thus reducing unnecessary visuals and improving performance.

Make it aggregated data: Instead of raw data, show it at a higher level, e.g., monthly aggregates against daily data. This reduces both the amount of data processed and visualized.

Optimize DAX and Queries: DAX-formula optimization is a must to ensure that you have efficient calculations. Avoid complex functions or very volatile (like FILTER and CALCULATE inside measures) as they slow down the computation. Identify what queries are running slow by using the Performance Analyzer in Power BI.

Bookmarks and drill-through hold great promise: Instead of viewing all visuals at a go on a page, bookmark and drill through pages to view details on demand. This helps to clear off the prime page and improves load times.

Use query reduction methods: Limit includes settings that refresh the data and basic query reduction on user interaction. Use slicers when limiting the retrieval of data to make queries less frequent when changing filters or interacting with visuals.

Enable DirectQuery or Live Connection: If the dataset is large, enable DirectQuery or live connections to the data source. Power BI would not query data from your memory but directly from the source, thus increasing your load time depending on the data source.

Use paginated reports: You may want to consider paginating the report or even using paginated reports. These are well-optimized for big data and render very well in most cases.

Optimize the types of visuals: Some visuals, such as maps and high-cardinality charts, greatly lower the reports' performance for reports. Where possible, replace them with more simple visuals or summarized data.

answered Nov 26, 2024 by Anu
• 2,780 points

Great performance optimization tips! Prioritizing fewer visuals, aggregated data, optimized DAX, and query reduction ensures faster load times and better user experience in Power BI

0 votes
Reduce the number of visuals, use optimized DAX calculations, enable query reduction settings, and leverage aggregation tables to improve performance.
answered Feb 28 by anonymous
• 2,780 points

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