How to decrypt the encrypted password

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I have an encrypted password stored in a hashed or encoded format, and I’m exploring ways to decrypt or reverse it. I’ve tried some basic tools but couldn’t make progress. What are the methods to approach this problem, and are there any tools or scripts that can help?
Nov 26 in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by Anupam
• 7,370 points

1 answer to this question.

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The technique used to guard an encrypted or hashed password determines whether one can decode or reverse it. The following points will help you understand the procedure:

1. Understand the Encryption/Hashing Method

Before proceeding, identify the format of the password.

  • Encryption: Reversible using the correct decryption key (e.g., AES, RSA).
  • Hashing: Irreversible by design (e.g., MD5, SHA-256).

2. Methods to Reverse or Crack Passwords

For Encrypted Passwords

  • Use the correct decryption algorithm and key.
    • Example: If encrypted with AES-256, you'll need the algorithm, key, and initialization vector (IV).
  • Tools:
    • OpenSSL: Command-line decryption for encrypted data.
    • CyberChef: Web-based tool for encryption and decryption.

For Hashed Passwords

Since hashes are one-way, you can't "decrypt" them, but you can try these methods:

  1. Rainbow Table Attacks

    • Use precomputed tables of hashes and plaintext values to find matches.
    • Tools:
      • RainbowCrack
      • Ophcrack (for Windows passwords)
  2. Brute Force

    • Generate all possible plaintext values and compare their hashes.
    • Tools:
      • Hashcat
      • John the Ripper
  3. Dictionary Attacks

    • Use a list of common passwords or phrases to find the match.
    • Tools: Same as brute force tools.
  4. Credential Lookup

    • Search databases of leaked credentials for matches.
    • Services:
      • Have I Been Pwned
      • DeHashed

3. Using Tools and Scripts

Here are some helpful tools/scripts for cracking passwords:

  • Hashcat: A GPU-accelerated hash cracker.
hashcat -m <hash type> -a <attack mode> hashfile wordlist
  • John the Ripper: A versatile password cracker.
john --format=<hash format> --wordlist=<wordlist> hashfile
  • CyberChef: Perform various decoding and encryption operations interactively.
answered Nov 26 by CaLLmeDaDDY
• 9,600 points

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