How do I create interactive dashboards that adjust based on user roles or permissions

+1 vote
How do I create interactive dashboards that adjust based on user roles or permissions?

I'm working on a Power BI project that involves creating interactive dashboards where the content displayed should adjust based on user roles or permissions. I'm looking for ways to dynamically filter or customize the visuals based on who is viewing the report, ensuring that sensitive or irrelevant data is hidden while maintaining an engaging user experience.

How can I create interactive dashboards that adjust based on user roles or permissions?
Nov 19, 2024 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 19,000 points

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote

When designing interactive dashboards in Power BI that can filter and provide different views based on users' roles or that are permission-sensitive, one can use Row Level Security (RLS) control and dynamic content features. This is how to go about it:

Row-Level Security (RLS): RLS is a great feature in Power BI that enables users to hide data from other users depending on their roles. This is done by creating and using Power BI Desktop Roles and assigning Filters associated with an attribute, e.g., a user's departmental or geographical location. When publishing the report to the Power BI Service, the users will only see data that is relevant to them as per their assigned roles.


In Power BI Desktop, Click on the tab, Modeling.

Select the option pertaining to Manage Roles to create additional roles such as Sales, HR, or Regional Manager, among others.

For each role, write down DAX statements to restrict the data presented (for example, by applying filters according to regions or departments).

In Power BI Service, within the dataset's Security settings, users are assigned specific roles.

Evolving Headers and Graphic Modifications: To enhance the dashboard content suited for every user, it is possible to modify the titles, labels, and even the visuals according to the role of the person using the dashboard. This is possible using DAX measures that check for the users’ roles and modify the content accordingly.


Employ the USERPRINCIPALNAME() to determine the current user’s login name.

Design DAX measures that modify the visuals (such as the KPIs and titles) according to the user.

For instance, a DAX measure that can be created can be:

UserRegion = 



"North America", 



Employ these parameters when creating the visual to change how the view is seen depending on the user.

Using Bookmarks and Selections: Using bookmarks and selection panes, the report can also be customized. Different report views can be established (for instance, one for the executives, another for the managers, etc.), and then buttons or slicers can be used to switch between these views. Certain visuals or pages can or cannot be displayed for some types of users.

Power BI Service App Permissions: In addition to RLS, there is also a restriction on access to reports or dashboards by controlling the app settings permissions in the Power BI Service. For instance, you can design a dashboard that you can publish as an app, and there are sections where you can control particular user roles within the app.

RLS, dynamic DAX measures, bookmarks, and app roles can be fused to build an interactive role-based Power BI dashboard where every user is offered a unique but safe experience.

answered Nov 19, 2024 by pooja
• 16,780 points
Great! You could also test RLS using the "View as Roles" feature in Power BI Desktop to ensure it meets your requirements.
0 votes
Row-level security (RLS) in Power BI can be used to set role-based filters to dynamically control visibility, where data visibility is determined by permissions assigned to the viewer.
answered Feb 13 by anonymous
• 2,780 points

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