How can I perform sentiment analysis on text data using Power BI and text analytics APIs

+1 vote
How can I perform sentiment analysis on text data using Power BI and text analytics APIs?

In my current Power BI project, I need to analyze customer feedback data and visualize sentiment scores and trends. I am considering using external text analytics APIs to process the text data for sentiment analysis. What are the best practices for integrating text analytics APIs into Power BI and visualizing sentiment analysis results effectively?
Nov 18, 2024 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 19,330 points

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote

If you are looking to conduct sentiment analysis on textual data in Power BI with the help of text analysis application programming interfaces, here is a procedure you can follow:

Do the Data Preparation: First and foremost, gather the text you want to analyze and store it logically. For example, use Excel, CVS, or a database. Do Away With Unwanted Extras: Make the files neat by eliminating all the unneeded elements, such as special symbols and non-critical areas of information, so they are cleaner for analysis.

Please bring in the Text Analytics API: There are many Text Analytics APIs available; you can select one of them, such as Microsoft Azure Text Analytics or Google Cloud Natural Language API. Create a profile and generate an API key for verification before accessing the Text Analytics API. In Power BI, HTTP POST requests are made to the API using Power Query. For example, in Power Query, M code can be written to send batches of text to the API, get back the sentiment scores, and add the scores to the existing dataset.

Analyze the API Responses: Use the sentiments and other useful analyses within the API return on power query. These scores may be added to your data set for further exploration in new sections.

Impressions of Sentiment Assessment: Once you have the sentiment scores, display the trends using other visual elements of Power BI, such as bar charts, line graphs, heat maps, and so on. Also, include slicers or filters to view a particular period, customer group, or category of feedback.

Execute and Update Strategy: In Power BI, create several refresh schedules that will enable you to always have the latest analysis. Ensure that API requests are made economically to avoid being cut off.

In addition to the custom strategy mentioned, which will help you save time formatting the text data, effective visualization will allow you to make sense of the text data and even bring out the trends in sentiments effectively.

answered Nov 18, 2024 by pooja
• 16,840 points
Make sentiment analysis in Power BI smoother by cleaning your text data, using APIs like Azure or Google for analysis, and visualizing trends with charts and filters for better insights.
0 votes

Use Power Query to call external Text Analytics APIs (e.g., Azure Cognitive Services), extract sentiment scores, and visualize trends in Power BI using custom charts and KPI indicators.

answered Feb 11 by anonymous
• 2,840 points

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