A crucial security measure is to set the Secure flag on cookies, which guarantees that cookies are only transferred over HTTPS and guards against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. Here are detailed instructions for setting the Secure flag and two more boosting security flags (HttpOnly and SameSite) for Node.js and other popular server environments:
Understanding the Flags
- Secure Flag: Forces the cookie to be transmitted only over a secure protocol (HTTPS).
- HttpOnly Flag: Instructs the browser not to allow JavaScript to access the cookie, mitigating XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks.
- SameSite Flag: Helps protect against CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks by controlling whether a cookie is sent with cross-origin requests.
Setting Secure Cookies in Various Environments
Node.js (with Express)
If you're using Express, a popular Node.js web framework, you can set these flags when setting a cookie using the res.cookie() method:
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
// Setting a secure cookie with HttpOnly and SameSite flags
res.cookie('mySecureCookie', 'cookie-value', {
secure: true, // Set the Secure flag
httpOnly: true, // Set the HttpOnly flag
sameSite: 'Strict', // Set the SameSite flag to Strict or Lax depending on your needs
// maxAge: (optional) in milliseconds
res.send('Cookie set with security flags!');
// Ensure your server listens on HTTPS for the Secure flag to work
// For development, consider using a reverse proxy or HTTPS module like `https` with self-signed certs
const HTTPS = require('https');
const FS = require('fs');
const options = {
key: FS.readFileSync('path/to/your/ssl/key.pem'),
cert: FS.readFileSync('path/to/your/ssl/cert.pem')
const server = HTTPS.createServer(options, app);
server.listen(443, () => {
console.log('Server listening on port 443 (HTTPS)');
Python (with Flask)
For Flask, a lightweight Python web framework, you can set these flags when using the set_cookie function of the response object:
from flask import Flask, make_response
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
resp = make_response('Cookie set with security flags!')
resp.set_cookie('mySecureCookie', 'cookie-value',
secure=True, # Set the Secure flag
httponly=True, # Set the HttpOnly flag
samesite='Strict') # Set the SameSite flag
return resp
if __name__ == '__main__':
# For HTTPS in development, consider using a reverse proxy or tools like Flask-SSLify
# Here, we directly run on HTTP for simplicity, but you should use HTTPS in production
app.run(ssl_context='adhoc') # Use 'adhoc' for a self-signed cert in development
Java (with Servlet)
In a Java Servlet environment, you can configure these flags when creating a Cookie object:
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
public class SecureCookieServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("mySecureCookie", "cookie-value");
cookie.setSecure(true); // Set the Secure flag
cookie.setHttpOnly(true); // Set the HttpOnly flag
// SameSite in Java Servlets is less straightforward and might require a library or manual header setting
// For simplicity, it's omitted here but consider implementing for CSRF protection
resp.getWriter().println("Cookie set with security flags!");
Setting SameSite in Java Servlets
Since directly setting SameSite on a Cookie object in Java Servlets isn't as straightforward as other flags, you might need to manually set the Set-Cookie header. Here's a simplified approach for setting SameSite:
resp.setHeader("Set-Cookie", "mySecureCookie=cookie-value; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Strict");