How to handle browser back button in Angular 12

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How to handle browser back button in Angular 12?

I'm working with Angular 12 and need to handle the browser's back button in my application. How can I detect and manage the back button behavior, especially to prevent users from navigating away from certain pages? Are there any built-in Angular methods or libraries that can help with this, or do I need to manage it manually using the Location service? Any tips for handling this in a clean and efficient way would be greatly appreciated!

Nov 12 in Web Development by Nidhi
• 4,940 points

1 answer to this question.

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To handle the browser back button in Angular 12, you can utilize Angular's Router and Location services. Here’s a basic guide on how to implement this:

Import Necessary Services:

First, import Router and Location from @angular/router.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

import { Router } from '@angular/router';

import { Location } from '@angular/common';

Inject the Services:

Inject these services into your component's constructor.

constructor(private router: Router, private location: Location) {}

Listen to Navigation Events:

You can subscribe to the Router events, especially the NavigationStart or NavigationEnd, to track when the navigation is triggered.

ngOnInit() { => {

    if (event instanceof NavigationStart) {

      // Handle logic here

      console.log('Navigation started');


    if (event instanceof NavigationEnd) {

      console.log('Navigation ended');




Detect Back Navigation:

Use the Location service to determine and handle back navigation.

handleBackButton(): void {

  this.location.subscribe(event => {

    console.log('Back button pressed');

    // Place your logic here, e.g., navigate to a specific route, alert confirmation, etc.



Custom Logic for Back Button:

Depending on your requirement, you can customize what should happen when a back navigation is detected, such as displaying a confirmation dialog, navigating to a specific route, or even cancelling the back navigation.

answered Nov 13 by kavya

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