How to test SQL injection manually

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I’m learning about SQL injection vulnerabilities and want to know how to test for them manually on a sample application. What types of payloads should I try, and what signs indicate a potential vulnerability? Also, what precautions should I take to avoid unintended effects while testing?

Any guidance on basic, safe SQL injection testing techniques would be appreciated.
Nov 11 in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by Anupam
• 6,570 points

retagged Nov 12 by Anupam 44 views

1 answer to this question.

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Testing SQL injection manually requires carefully crafted queries to observe how an application responds to unexpected input.

1. Identify Input Fields

  • Look for input fields in the application that might interact with a database, such as search boxes, login forms, or URL parameters (e.g.,

2. Common Test Payloads

Start with simple payloads to check for unexpected database behavior:

  • ' OR '1'='1 — Often used to bypass authentication checks.
  • ';-- — Attempts to terminate the current query and may expose vulnerabilities.
  • ' UNION SELECT NULL,NULL — Used to test for union-based SQL injection; modify columns as needed.

3. Indicators of Vulnerability

  • Error Messages: Database-related errors (e.g., SQL syntax errors) may indicate vulnerability.
  • Changes in Page Behavior: If injecting special characters changes the app’s response (like bypassing login with admin'--), it could suggest a SQL injection risk.
  • Unexpected Data Exposure: If you see data from other tables (using payloads like UNION SELECT), this confirms a serious vulnerability.

4. Testing Techniques

  • Boolean-based Testing: Try payloads that will yield true or false results. For example, entering 1' AND '1'='1 or 1' AND '1'='2 and observing differences in response helps determine if the input is influencing the SQL query.
  • Time-based Testing: For cases with no visible error, use time delay queries to confirm SQL execution. For instance, 1' AND SLEEP(5)-- may delay response time, revealing a blind SQL injection vulnerability.

5. Precautions

  • Only Test on Authorized Applications: Testing without permission is illegal. Use your own setup or authorized environments (e.g., DVWA).
  • Back Up Data: SQL injection tests may alter data; always test on non-production environments or with backups in place.
  • Limit Dangerous Payloads: Avoid destructive queries (DROP TABLE, DELETE) to prevent unintended data loss.

6. Ethical Hacking Tools for Safe Testing

  • Tools like Burp Suite or SQLmap automate testing but can also run manually crafted queries in controlled conditions.
answered Nov 12 by CaLLmeDaDDY
• 9,420 points

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