How to find others WiFi password

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I'm interested in understanding network security and how WiFi credentials are protected. I’ve come across discussions about retrieving saved WiFi credentials, but I’d like to know more about the security mechanisms in place that prevent unauthorized access to other users’ networks. How does encryption (like WPA2 or WPA3) work in these scenarios, and what ethical hacking practices are relevant to protect WiFi access?

If someone could explain secure methods for protecting WiFi networks from unauthorized access, it would be helpful.
Nov 11 in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by Anupam
• 6,570 points

1 answer to this question.

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Understanding encryption methods and appropriate security standards is crucial to comprehending how WiFi credentials are safeguarded and how you can morally defend them.

1. WPA2 and WPA3 encryption protocols

  • The encryption technologies WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) and WPA3 are intended to protect wireless networks. They employ various forms of encryption:
  • AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), which is commonly used by WPA2, offers robust security by encrypting data transmitted over networks.
  • Simultaneous Authentication of Equals, or SAE, is a feature of WPA3 that is advised for new networks and offers stronger protection against offline password-cracking efforts.
  • These protocols make sure that only authorized users can connect by requiring a password to join the network.

2. Security via Password

  • Use a Strong Password: The security of WPA2/WPA3 encryption depends on the password. A strong, one-of-a-kind password is very hard to break with brute-force techniques.
  • Avoid Password Sharing: To protect your primary network credentials, use guest networks whenever you can.

3. Configuring Network Security

  • Turn off WiFi Protected Setup (WPS): WPS may pose a security threat. Turn it off to lessen the possibility of unwanted access.
  • MAC Address Filtering should be enabled. Although not infallible, MAC-based filtering offers an extra degree of control over which devices are allowed to join.
4. Ethical Hacking Practices for WiFi Security
  • Perform Network Audits: Kismet and Wireshark are two tools that can assist you in analyzing network traffic and identifying instances of illegal access.
  • Test for Penetration: Ethical hacking techniques, such using well-known tools to test your network (like Aircrack-ng for WPA2), assist you in finding configuration flaws so you can fix them.
  • Keep an eye out for intrusions: Make sure no unauthorized devices have access by routinely reviewing the list of connected devices on your network.
answered Nov 11 by CaLLmeDaDDY
• 9,420 points

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