How can I fix a Power BI visual that keeps showing See details or other errors when rendering

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How can I fix a Power BI visual that keeps showing "See details" or other errors when rendering?

One of my visuals in Power BI frequently displays errors such as “See details” instead of rendering correctly. What could be causing this, and what troubleshooting steps should I take to resolve these errors for a smoother visual display?
Nov 11, 2024 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 19,330 points

1 answer to this question.

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When a Power BI visual appears with a 'see details' message, or there are any other rendering issues, it is usually an indication of problems with the data model, DAX calculations, or the setup of the visual itself. Here are a few steps you can take to try to fix this problem.

Verify Data Quality: Sometimes, errors arise because of missing data or the presence of null values in the present data that may hinder the normal functioning of the visual. Try looking at the data coming into the visual, including any data tables and any filters that are applied. Specifically, check to see that any fields employed in DAX measures or visual-level filters are filled with proper data.

Analyze DAX Formulas: More complex or well-designed DAX measures may also introduce display issues. When exploring the visual, look at the DAX calculations and any problems, such as divisions by null values, incorrect data types, or DAX measure-dependent calculations on a column that is not there. The problem can also be localized by drawing a simple table visual and testing each DAX measure turned on and off to check for any measure that works and which does not.

Reset Visual Properties: Some sash charts may perform poorly whenever there are too many data points, or the visuals have intricate designs. You can enhance the chart by minimizing the use of certain fields or by changing some formatting remarks, like turning off conditional formatting. Also, ensure your visual is accessing only a little data from your dataset, as this may lead to Power BI restricting the visuals from being displayed when they go beyond certain data limits.

In most cases, when you go through these aspects, you can easily fix rendering problems, which will, in turn, help you have a cleaner display in your Power BI reports.

answered Nov 11, 2024 by pooja
• 16,840 points
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The "See details" error typically arises from some data flaws, relationship irregularities, or problems within the DAX formula in Power BI visuals. Some of the checks you can do to fix it include:

Data Integrity: Look for missing or null data within your model.
Relationship: Confirm the relationship between tables is correct and active.
DAX Formula: Check for error messages or performance-impacted DAX measures.
Filters/Slicers: Make sure none of these is excluding data.

Reconstructing or fixing one of these items should solve the problem.
answered Dec 30, 2024 by Anu
• 2,840 points

edited 6 days ago

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